Marriage problem Consultation

Marriages are the life source of a person. A happy marriage can act as an elixir for oneself; on the other hand an unhappy marriage can be venomous for all aspects of life. Arranged wedding or Love marriages doesn’t determine the type of relationship we might have on the horizon. In a fast-paced World with stressful scenarios it becomes quite easy to develop contempt against your better half.

We offer solution to your disturbed Marital Problems. We provide expert remedies through ancient science of Astrology as well as ancient mantras. We have successfully helped several clients to find inner peace in their married life. Astrological remedies through consultation have guided several estranged couples back to each other. Small tweaks and solutions can guide us towards realizing our mutual love for each other. We promise to deliver a ‘happily ever after’ to the best of our ability for everyone.

Kanchan Numero has high success rate in marriage consultation. She is also empathetic in nature and practices absolute discretion in all our consultations &  focuses on reinvigorating our self-joy to better solve our other problems relating to marriage. She also uses very strong love binding spells to help people who are stuck in a disharmonious married life. She also helps the couple reconcile their issues and strive to make each other happy through predictions about life cycles.

Common issues often plaguing a marital life and causing ripples in mental peace as well as prosperity for individuals can range as following:


  • Trust Issues\Insecurities
  • Petty Fights\ Disagreements
  • Disagreements through Influencers (family members, friends, children, etc)
  • Adultery
  • Monetary conflicts

Kanchan Numero Provides the most effective and the best suited astrological solution for all the above scenarios and more. We provide an opportunity to iron-out the wrinkles in your relationship and provide your marriage with another chance.

Marital problems often arise due to unfavorable planet positions or kundli graph of one or both the partners. Favorable trends and planets in kundli still might cause problem due to lack of synergy in spouses planets. Find definitive answers to our problems and their reasons. Astrology warns and provides tangible solutions to all types of marital problems.

Kanchan Numero provide practical solutions to all marital problems. These can be put into practice to resolve differences even if both the partners are not cooperating. Many troubled marriages have regained their lost sparkle under the tutelage of Kanchan Numero  with support of only one partner. We provide tailored and customized services for every type of marital problems.

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Kanchan Numero Services
Kanchan Numero Services